Lessons From A Rock Star

Today I watched a movie about one of my favorite artists of all time: Freddie Mercury. It was a great glimpse into his short, yet remarkable life.

He dealt with so much adversity in his life and kept saying that he was doing what he was supposed to be doing. This statement resonated with me because of the change of career from nursing to teaching. I have found myself saying this multiple times in my classroom, either to remind myself when anxiety strikes or to reassure myself when I have a bad day.

You can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be.

3 thoughts on “Lessons From A Rock Star

  1. Everyone has their own stuff they are dealing with. perseverance is such a trait that can get us through a lot of it.

  2. I have not yet seen the movie, yet grew up listening to the music of Queen. Career changes show that you are a lifelong learner.

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