Lesson of the Week

Saturdays are my day to unwind and reflect on my week.

And this past week was full of new information and learning.

One of the main things that I am taking away is that no matter how good of a routine we might have, always be open to innovations in the classroom. I had the pleasure of hearing Michael Cohen, the Tech Rabbi, speak at the ICE Conference this week. He taught us to use a lot of amazing features on the iPad, which can be implemented into the classroom as extensions to lessons or just tools to enhance our lessons. Immediately after hearing him speak, I bought his book, Educated by Design. One of my favorite quotes of the book is, “What we need to do is help our students develop creative confidence and creative capacity. That process starts by letting them explore.” His whole book focuses on the creativity that we all have inside and how we, as teachers, need to let our students find it within themselves. I havent finished it, but it’s already one of my favorite reads and definitely recommend it! 

6 thoughts on “Lesson of the Week

  1. Love, love learning about innovations too. Sounds like a great educator and an interesting book! It’s all about exploring!

  2. I don’t know this book, but you’ve made me want to read it! I love the reminder of the importance of letting kids explore. Thanks for sharing your learning!

  3. Thanks for the book recommendation. I wasn’t familiar with Michael Cohen’s work. Developing our students’ creative confidence and capacity are worthy goals. Sounds like it’s been a soulful Saturday!

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